#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include Battery battery(3000, 4200, 36, 12); BleKeyboard bleKeyboard("ESP Clicker"); Preferences prefs; WiFiClient client; HTTPClient http; AsyncWebServer server(80); Adafruit_NeoPixel led(1, 13, NEO_GRB + NEO_KHZ800); String ssid, pass, ip_address, layer, name, serverPath; char ssid_char[20]; char pass_char[20]; float voltage; bool connected = false; bool blemode; unsigned long target_time; int lazer_button; String index_html; int httpResponseCode = 0; int LAZER = 15; int BUTTON0 = 12; int BUTTON1 = 14; int BUTTON2 = 27; int BUTTON3 = 26; int BUTTON4 = 25; int BUTTON5 = 33; int BUTTON6 = 32; int BUTTON7 = 35; int BUTTON8 = 34; int BUTTON9 = 39; // Button Array int button[10] = { BUTTON0, BUTTON1, BUTTON2, BUTTON3, BUTTON4, BUTTON5, BUTTON6, BUTTON7, BUTTON8, BUTTON9 }; // HTML web page to handle 3 input fields (input1, input2, input3) const char index_html1[] PROGMEM = R"rawliteral( Clicker

ESP Clicker - )rawliteral"; const char index_html2[] PROGMEM = R"rawliteral(

Change WIFI Password


Set Companion IP address

Set Companion Layer

Set Lazer Button

Set Device Name

)rawliteral"; // the setup function runs once when you press reset or power the board void setup() { // Initialize Memory prefs.begin("clicker"); // Battery battery.begin(3300, 2.24); //Get Device Name name = prefs.getString("NAME", name); // Initialize Serial Serial.begin(9600); // Initialize NeoPixel strip object (REQUIRED) led.begin(); // Setup pins pinMode(LAZER, OUTPUT); pinMode(BUTTON0, INPUT); pinMode(BUTTON1, INPUT); pinMode(BUTTON2, INPUT); pinMode(BUTTON3, INPUT); pinMode(BUTTON0, INPUT); pinMode(BUTTON1, INPUT); pinMode(BUTTON2, INPUT); pinMode(BUTTON3, INPUT); pinMode(BUTTON4, INPUT); pinMode(BUTTON5, INPUT); pinMode(BUTTON6, INPUT); pinMode(BUTTON7, INPUT); pinMode(BUTTON8, INPUT); pinMode(BUTTON9, INPUT); //Set up Lazer lazer_button = prefs.getInt("LAZER_BUTTON"); digitalWrite(LAZER, LOW); // Check for BLE Mode blemode = prefs.getBool("BLEMODE"); if (digitalRead(BUTTON8) && digitalRead(BUTTON9)) { prefs.putBool("BLEMODE", !blemode); blemode = !blemode; } if (blemode) { bleclicker(); } // Initilize WIFI WiFi.mode(WIFI_STA); ssid = prefs.getString("SSID"); pass = prefs.getString("PASS"); ssid.toCharArray(ssid_char, 20); pass.toCharArray(pass_char, 20); WiFi.begin(ssid_char, pass_char); target_time = millis() + 10000; while (millis() < target_time && WiFi.status() != WL_CONNECTED) { led.setPixelColor(0, led.Color(0, 100, 0)); led.show(); delay(1000); led.setPixelColor(0, led.Color(0, 0, 0)); led.show(); delay(1000); } if (WiFi.status() != WL_CONNECTED) { WiFi.mode(WIFI_MODE_AP); WiFi.softAP("clicker", "clcob5364"); WiFi.softAPIP(); } // Get Companion Info layer = prefs.getString("LAYER"); ip_address = prefs.getString("IPADDRESS"); // Send web page with input fields to client server.on("/", HTTP_GET, [](AsyncWebServerRequest *request) { if (request->hasParam("pass") && request->hasParam("ssid")) { request->send_P(200, "text/html", index_html.c_str()); ssid = request->getParam("ssid")->value(); pass = request->getParam("pass")->value(); Serial.print("New Password is:\t"); Serial.println(pass); Serial.print("New SSID is:\t"); Serial.println(ssid); prefs.putString("SSID", ssid); prefs.putString("PASS", pass); Serial.println("Done"); } else if (request->hasParam("data")) { ssid = prefs.getString("SSID"); pass = prefs.getString("PASS"); request->send(200, "text/html", "ESP Clicker

Current WIFI Settings

SSID: \"" + ssid + "\"
Password: \"" + pass + "\"

"); } else if (request->hasParam("ipaddress")) { request->send_P(200, "text/html", index_html.c_str()); ip_address = request->getParam("ipaddress")->value(); prefs.putString("IPADDRESS", ip_address); } else if (request->hasParam("ipget")) { ip_address = prefs.getString("IPADDRESS"); request->send(200, "text/html", "ESP Clicker

Current IP Settings

Remote IP Address: \"" + ip_address + "\"

"); } else if (request->hasParam("layer")) { request->send_P(200, "text/html", index_html.c_str()); layer = request->getParam("layer")->value(); prefs.putString("LAYER", layer); } else if (request->hasParam("layerget")) { layer = prefs.getString("LAYER"); request->send(200, "text/html", "ESP Clicker

Current IP Settings

Remote Companion Layer: \"" + layer + "\"

"); } else if (request->hasParam("voltageget")) { voltage = battery.voltage(); voltage = voltage / 1000; Serial.println(voltage); request->send(200, "text/html", "ESP Clicker

Current voltage

\"" + String(voltage) + "\" Volts
" + String(battery.level()) + "% Battery Percentage

"); } else if (request->hasParam("name")) { name = request->getParam("name")->value(); index_html = index_html1 + name + index_html2; prefs.putString("NAME", name); request->send_P(200, "text/html", index_html.c_str()); } else if (request->hasParam("lazer")) { lazer_button = request->getParam("lazer")->value().toInt(); prefs.putInt("LAZER_BUTTON", lazer_button); request->send_P(200, "text/html", index_html.c_str()); } else { request->send_P(200, "text/html", index_html.c_str()); } index_html = index_html1 + name + index_html2; }); server.begin(); } // the loop function runs over and over again forever void loop() { lazer(); // Read port 0 if (digitalRead(BUTTON0)) { Serial.println("Button 0"); httpResponseCode = POSTRequest("http://" + ip_address + ":8000/api/location/" + layer + "/0/1/press"); waitfor(); } // Read port 1 if (digitalRead(BUTTON1)) { Serial.println("Button 1"); httpResponseCode = POSTRequest("http://" + ip_address + ":8000/api/location/" + layer + "/0/2/press"); waitfor(); } // Read port 2 if (digitalRead(BUTTON2)) { Serial.println("Button 2"); httpResponseCode = POSTRequest("http://" + ip_address + ":8000/api/location/" + layer + "/0/3/press"); waitfor(); } // Read port 3 if (digitalRead(BUTTON3)) { Serial.println("Button 3"); httpResponseCode = POSTRequest("http://" + ip_address + ":8000/api/location/" + layer + "/0/4/press"); waitfor(); } // Read port 4 if (digitalRead(BUTTON4)) { Serial.println("Button 4"); httpResponseCode = POSTRequest("http://" + ip_address + ":8000/api/location/" + layer + "/0/5/press"); waitfor(); } // Read port 5 if (digitalRead(BUTTON5)) { Serial.println("Button 5"); httpResponseCode = POSTRequest("http://" + ip_address + ":8000/api/location/" + layer + "/0/6/press"); waitfor(); } // Read port 6 if (digitalRead(BUTTON6)) { Serial.println("Button 6"); httpResponseCode = POSTRequest("http://" + ip_address + ":8000/api/location/" + layer + "/0/7/press"); waitfor(); } // Read port 7 if (digitalRead(BUTTON7)) { Serial.println("Button 7"); httpResponseCode = POSTRequest("http://" + ip_address + ":8000/api/location/" + layer + "/1/1/press"); waitfor(); } // Read port 8 if (digitalRead(BUTTON8)) { Serial.println("Button 8"); httpResponseCode = POSTRequest("http://" + ip_address + ":8000/api/location/" + layer + "/1/2/press"); waitfor(); } // Read port 9 if (digitalRead(BUTTON9)) { Serial.println("Button 9"); httpResponseCode = POSTRequest("http://" + ip_address + ":8000/api/location/" + layer + "/1/3/press"); waitfor(); } voltage = battery.voltage(); voltage = voltage / 1000; lazer(); if (voltage < 3.68) { led.setPixelColor(0, led.Color(1, 0, 0)); } else if (!connected) { led.setPixelColor(0, led.Color(1, 1, 1)); } else { led.setPixelColor(0, led.Color(0, 1, 0)); } led.show(); } void waitfor() { while (digitalRead(BUTTON0) || digitalRead(BUTTON1) || digitalRead(BUTTON2) || digitalRead(BUTTON3) || digitalRead(BUTTON4) || digitalRead(BUTTON5) || digitalRead(BUTTON6) || digitalRead(BUTTON7) || digitalRead(BUTTON8) || digitalRead(BUTTON9)) { led.setPixelColor(0, led.Color(0, 0, 0)); led.show(); } led.show(); if (httpResponseCode == 200) { connected = true; Serial.println(httpResponseCode); } else { connected = false; Serial.println(httpResponseCode); } httpResponseCode = -1; } void lazer() { if (lazer_button != -1) { if (digitalRead(button[lazer_button])) { led.setPixelColor(0, led.Color(255, 0, 0)); led.show(); digitalWrite(LAZER, HIGH); while (digitalRead(button[lazer_button])) ; digitalWrite(LAZER, LOW); } } } int GETRequest(String URL) { int response; HTTPClient http; http.begin(URL.c_str()); http.addHeader("Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"); http.setTimeout(5000); response = http.GET(); http.end(); Serial.println(URL); return response; } int POSTRequest(String URL) { int response; HTTPClient http; http.begin(URL.c_str()); http.addHeader("Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"); http.setTimeout(5000); response = http.POST(""); http.end(); Serial.println(URL); return response; } void bleclicker() { bleKeyboard.setName("ESP Clicker"); bleKeyboard.begin(); bleKeyboard.setBatteryLevel(battery.level()); while (true) { while (bleKeyboard.isConnected()) { // Set LED Color led.setPixelColor(0, led.Color(0, 0, 1)); led.show(); if (millis() > target_time) { bleKeyboard.setBatteryLevel(battery.level()); Serial.println("battery update"); target_time = millis() + 60000; } // Read port 0 if (digitalRead(BUTTON0)) { Serial.println("Button 0"); bleKeyboard.write(KEY_LEFT_ARROW); waitfor(); } // Read port 1 if (digitalRead(BUTTON1)) { Serial.println("Button 1"); bleKeyboard.write(KEY_RIGHT_ARROW); waitfor(); } // Read port 2 if (digitalRead(BUTTON8)) { Serial.println("Lazer"); led.setPixelColor(0, led.Color(255, 0, 0)); led.show(); digitalWrite(LAZER, HIGH); while (digitalRead(BUTTON8)) ; digitalWrite(LAZER, LOW); } } // Wait for a Second led.setPixelColor(0, led.Color(0, 0, 100)); led.show(); delay(1000); led.setPixelColor(0, led.Color(0, 0, 0)); led.show(); delay(1000); } }