#!/bin/bash if [ $# -ne 1 ]; then echo "Usage: $0 " exit 1 fi echo 'backing up the following folders:' echo -e "\e[32m-------------------------------------------" cat backup.txt echo "" echo "" echo -e '\e[0mexclude the following folders:' echo -e "\e[32m-------------------------------------------" cat exclude.txt echo "" echo -e "\e[0mStarting Backup" rsync -rptgpXh --delete-excluded --delete-before --stats --exclude-from=./exclude.txt --include-from=./backup.txt $@ > backup_data_tmp 2>&1 if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then curl -H "Title: Backup: $(hostname)" -d "The backup on $(hostname) finished successfully. $(cat ./backup_data_tmp | grep -v '^[d-]' | grep -v '^skipping')" https://ntfy.locker98.com/camera_h9CQ0 else curl -H "Title: Backup: $(hostname)" -H "Priority: urgent" -H "Tags: warning" -d "The backup on $(hostname) failed. $(cat ./backup_data_tmp | grep -v '^[d-]' | grep -v '^skipping')" https://ntfy.locker98.com/camera_h9CQ0 fi rm ./backup_data_tmp echo "" echo -e "\e[0mBackup Done"